Providing quality education for all, it is with this objective that in 2016 the OCP Foundation signed a partnership with the Ministry of National Education, in order to launch the “Sponsored Schools” program. The objective is to enable each student to develop and reveal their talent, creativity and ingenuity by providing them with a school environment that facilitates their development and celebrates their creativity. Thus the educational programs take into consideration the needs, aspirations and talents of each student thanks to the involvement of the different stakeholders in the success of the model.

Started with 31 public schools, the program was subsequently strengthened to integrate 29 new schools since 2021, for a total of 60 sponsored schools. To date, nearly 30,000 students are supported in 5 provinces (Benguérir, El jadida, Khouribga, Safi and Youssoufia). The Sponsored Schools program supports the evolution of training practices accelerated by the Covid 19 pandemic and has since integrated the digitalization and digitization of learning methods.




  • Establishment of 10 distance learning support classes in partnership with the TAMKINE Foundation
  • 8 medical caravans at 8 establishments sponsored in partnership with the Cheikh Zaid Foundation
  • Training of teachers and users on the use of tools and applications
  • Launch of remote educational support sessions with schools
  • 30,000 students benefiting


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The joint project to support Moroccan public preparatory classes is a flagship example in which the OCP Foundation is committed to the MEN in order to equip 27 preparatory centers for major public schools (CPGE) in the 12 regions of the kingdom with scientific equipment. and didactic.

Aware that the future of Morocco is based on its youth, which is its living force, and convinced that quality education and training must be accessible to all, the objective of this project is to promote progression and success of the 9,000 students who continue their studies there, by offering them, as well as the teaching staff, a more stimulating and motivating environment and working environment.

This action is part of the Foundation's desire to promote qualitative, modern teaching that is demanding and open to the world, allowing the establishment of a Moroccan educational ecosystem based on excellence, research and innovation. Over a long-term vision, the partnership will strengthen the CPGEs as a fundamental element of the public system of education and training of excellence in Morocco.




  • 27 beneficiary CPGE centers
  • +9000 students
  • 12 regions of the kingdom
  • 1561 capsules for preparation for various engineering school competitions.

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Mobilisée envers les jeunes générations et déterminée plus que jamais à les accompagner, particulièrement dans un contexte marqué par la crise sanitaire Covid-19, la Fondation s'est joint aux efforts déployés par le Groupe OCP et par le Royaume afin d’assurer la continuité pédagogique et d’apporter l’assistance nécessaire à l’écosystème d'Education, et ce en appuyant la création d'un centre national de digitalisation et d'enseignement à distance (CNDE) au sein de l'UM6P et en équipant 14 studios de production de contenus pédagogiques numériques dans toutes les universités publiques marocaines.




  • 73 bénéficiaires de formation
  • 12 universités nationales
  • Equipement de 14 studios de production

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As part of its contribution to the national monitoring and response plan to the 2019 Coronavirus pandemic, the OCP Foundation, the National Institute of Hygiene and the Mohammed VI Polytechnic University proceeded in 2021 to the signing of a partnership agreement aimed at promoting research in common areas. The partnership will be based essentially on the highly qualified human skills and the high-level technical platforms and material resources available to both the UM6P and the INH in terms of biology in human and environmental health.




  • The collaboration concerns the acquisition of 2 cold rooms for the benefit of the National Institute of Hygiene, the exchange of knowledge in the field of public health between the Institute and the UM6P and the pooling of human resources and research infrastructure.
  • The discussions between the different managers made it possible to establish certain areas of research that could be carried out in partnership between the institutions.


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By taking the field of phosphates as a driving force, the OCP Foundation has succeeded in injecting new dynamism into national R&D. Thanks to innovative and lasting partnerships, several researchers have been able to develop their research programs and contribute to the development of national priority areas, but have also seen several horizons of collaboration open up both at the national and international level. It thus provides support to: 

  • R&D funds around phosphates: around twenty projects supported promising convincing results, to strengthen the resources of the laboratories of 15 participating Moroccan universities and their networking, to enrich scientific production and to train more than 70 doctoral students.
  • National Ecosystem Technology Transfer Fund: Result of a partnership with the Department of Higher Education and Scientific Research, the Ministry of Industry, Trade, Green and Digital Economy, the Moroccan Property Office Industrial and Commercial, the National Center for Scientific and Technical Research and the UM6P for the launch of a Technology Transfer (TT)
  • National Ecosystem fund, the OCP Foundation supports these multi-thematic technology transfer projects for research projects across a fund intended for the Moroccan university and research ecosystem, 30 of which come from two partner ministries, over a period of 6 years. National Ecosystem R&D Fund: Supported by the UM6P, this is a renewal in continuity with the creation of the first R&D Fund around phosphates, having made it possible to finance 39 projects. The stakeholders wanted to capitalize on the success of the first R&D Fund to make this partnership to renew the R&D Fund a new success. It will finance multi-thematic R&D projects within the Moroccan research ecosystem over a period of 6 years.
  • UM6P Sustainable Development Fund: UM6P, like the great Universities known in the world, aims to implement its Sustainable Development (SD) approach through the mobilization of the entire UM6P community (teachers -researchers, students and staff).




Fonds APPHOS :

  • 39 projects of which 19 augur convincing results and 8 closed
  • 10 patents currently being filed
  • 410 communications produced, including 89 articles published in indexed journals
  • 421 team members mobilized
  • 224 national and 74 international researchers
  • 70 doctoral students and 34 postdocs
  • 19 technicians and interns

National ecosystem R&D fund:

  • 774 projects submitted of which 167 moved into the 2nd phase to submit detailed projects

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The OCP Foundation invests in social or medical support for populations with specific needs, which allows it to create a strong link with its communities and thus develop its vision of integrated social projects. Indeed, by supporting the actions of its partners and contributing to their skills development, the Foundation contributes to the inclusion of people with specific needs or disabilities, and thus breaks the cycle of discrimination they face.




  • Sponsorship of 173 children with specific needs in partnership with 7 associations
  • Early care for 150 children with disabilities
  • Support for the development of structuring projects for the activity of 3 partner associations:
  • Creation of 10 classes specialized in autism 
  • Creation of an AGR to promote the professional integration of young people with disabilities
  • Launch of a training program for the educational inclusion of visually impaired children

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In order to support the empowerment of African women and thus reduce gender inequalities on the continent, a partnership has been sealed between the “Mujeres Por Africa” Foundation, UM6P and the OCP Foundation. The initiative entitled “Women United Together for Research, Technology, Environment and Science (F.U.E.R.T.E.S)” aims to improve agricultural research in Senegal, through the training of Senegalese women researchers and doctoral students specializing in sustainable agriculture. from the University of Sine Saloum El Hadj Ibrahima Niass (USSEIN).






  • Organization of 2 training sessions to strengthen technical, academic and research skills.

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The African Union Agenda 2063 as well as the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development set common goals and vision for Africa. To make progress towards these goals, Africans must move beyond past trends and beyond the paths taken by other regions of the world. In this context, UNESCO and the OCP Foundation signed an agreement, in October 2017, aimed at implementing an innovative project entitled “Imagining Africa's Futures (IAF)” and which aims to coordinate reflection on the future of Africa and strengthen the continent's foresight capacity. 

In order to realize this common ambition, a first center was created at the Mohammed VI Polytechnic University, within the Faculty of Governance, Economic and Social Sciences. This center develops research and training programs in foresight, ranging from awareness raising to Executive Education and serves as a reference center for practitioners of foresight and Future Literacy in Africa and beyond.

Its foresight capacity building program is structured into 4 pillars:

  • Awareness component
  • Academic component (degree courses)
  • Executive component (certifying training)
  • Communication and networking component.




  • Launch of the pilot phase of Future Literacy research with the participation of UM6P
  • Participation of UM6P in the conference organized in Trento by UNESCO and the University of Trento on the Future of Africa
  • Organization of an awareness workshop on the literacy of the future on the theme “the African citizen of the future”
  • Remote adaptation of 2 introductory foresight modules and planning of Executive training sessions of the Faculty of Governance, Economic and Social Sciences
  • Organization of a remote master class introducing foresight on the theme “Towards a new educational situation”
  • Organization of a webinar for the initiation and on-boarding of UM6P professors from the different UM6P Schools on the theme “Role and place of foresight in academic research, a perspective” Launch of work for the establishment of a web platform dedicated to the IAF project
  • Signature of a UM6P-CNAM framework agreement for the establishment of joint supervision and launch of a call for applications for doctoral students in foresight

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The quality of initial training is the central stone of a successful and rewarding career in teaching, which is why it was essential for the OCP Foundation to support its historic institutional partner (MEN) to create a motivating working environment. within the national CRMEFs (Regional Centers for Education and Training Professions) through the upgrading of living and study spaces which promote educational progression and learning among future teachers in the best possible conditions . In the same context, the OCP Foundation also financed the acquisition of laboratory equipment (mechanical engineering & electrical engineering).




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The result of a partnership between the Ministry of Industry, Commerce, Green and Digital Economy, the Mohammed VI Polytechnic University and the OCP Foundation, the Moroccan Retail Tech Builder (MRTB) is an incubation and acceleration of startups in the commerce sector. This project aims to promote the dissemination of digital solutions adapted to the needs of traders and consumers through strengthening the innovation capacities of Moroccan entrepreneurs, project leaders in the field of commerce. It is part of the efforts made by the Ministry to consolidate best practices in digital commerce, while capitalizing on the efforts of the OCP Foundation in supporting the entrepreneurial ecosystem. The MRTB project also strengthens the positioning of UM6P as a national innovation hub, which already hosts a range of incubation and acceleration programs to allow project leaders to benefit from an environment conducive to their development.




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